Dental veneers are outstandingly durable. On average, they last for 10 – 15 years. If they receive excellent care, they can endure for 20 years or longer. Eventually, though, they do need to be replaced. Is it time to replace your veneers? This blog post touches on five signs that you should schedule a visit with your cosmetic dentist.
The Veneers Are Dark
Veneers are usually made out of porcelain, which is highly resistant to stains. However, it can become discolored over time. The bonding agent that holds the veneers in place may also begin to discolor. Dark veneers are lackluster and can interfere with your smile’s beauty, so they are a good reason to ask your dentist if it is time to get them replaced.
The Veneers Are Damaged
If you accidentally chip or crack a veneer, you should certainly visit your dentist to get it replaced. Other signs of damage also warrant a dental appointment. For example, your veneers might have tiny scratches that collect pigments and food particles in them. In some cases, such scratches can be buffed out, but in other instances, they mean that a veneer needs to be replaced.
You Are Struggling with Your Oral Health
Gum disease is quite common among adults. Unfortunately, as it progresses, it can cause the gums to recede, leading to an unsightly gap between your veneers and your gums. You might need to get your veneers removed, receive gum disease therapy, and get new veneers (or crowns) when your mouth is free of active infections.
Similarly, if a tooth beneath a veneer starts to decay, the veneer may need to be removed so the tooth can receive proper care.
The Veneers Were Not Properly Applied or Designed
Rarely, a dentist may make minor mistakes when applying veneers. This can cause the veneers to lift off the teeth. Another possible problem is if the veneers are too long and are causing issues with your ability to eat and speak. Visiting a more experienced dental team can help you get your gorgeous smile back on track.
You Are Ready for a Change
Even if your veneers are teeth are still in good shape, you might want to change your look. For example, younger people tend to gravitate toward bright white veneers, whereas older individuals often wish for a softer, more natural look. If your tastes have changed, talk to your dentist. They can design a new set of veneers that will complement your current chapter in life.
Is it time to replace your veneers? If you believe it is, consult with your cosmetic dentist to learn about your options.
Meet the Practice
Abington Family Dental Care proudly offers a range of services to our community, including top-quality veneers. If you would like to enhance your smile, we are ready to answer your questions and design your treatment plan. Get in touch with our friendly team at 781-780-2658.