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The Importance of Gum Disease Treatment Before Cosmetic Dentistry

August 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — abingtonfamily @ 7:57 pm
Close-up of woman’s beautiful, healthy smile

An attractive smile is a timeless accessory that has the potential to make you look youthful, approachable, and successful. But what if there are aspects of your smile that you would like to change? You may be thinking about investing in cosmetic dentistry. Before you move forward with aesthetic procedures, though, you might need gum disease treatment. Why could that be an important step on your journey to a healthy and beautiful smile?  This blog post explains.

Gum Disease — A Serious Oral Health Problem

Gum disease is an infection that occurs when harmful bacteria sneak into the pink tissue that surrounds the teeth. At first, this condition can cause very mild symptoms. As it progresses, though, it can drastically heighten your risk of tooth loss. It is also associated with an increased risk of systemic health conditions, including heart attack and stroke.

Additionally, it is worth noting that gum disease can have big consequences for the way your smile looks. Even before it causes tooth loss, it can cause gum recession, which may make your teeth appear unusually long. Your gums may be noticeably red and swollen. You could also suffer from the embarrassment that comes with chronic bad breath.

Gum Disease Treatment Before Cosmetic Dentistry

It is usually best to treat gum disease before you undergo purely cosmetic treatments. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Cosmetic treatments may make it more challenging to treat gum disease. For example, veneers are set extremely close to the gums, meaning that they can make it more difficult to provide gum treatments.
  • Gum disease can make cosmetic procedures very uncomfortable. If your gums have receded, your tooth roots may be exposed. Tooth roots are sensitive and may experience significant pain if you whiten your teeth.
  • Gum disease can lessen the impact of your cosmetic services. Red and swollen gums can detract from your teeth’s beauty.

Do not be too disheartened if you learn that you need gum disease treatment. After your gums heal, you can expect your smile to look better — even without any cosmetic services!

How Soon After Gum Disease Treatment Can You Undergo Cosmetic Procedures?

Your dentist will tell you when it may be appropriate for you to undergo cosmetic procedures. If your gum disease was fairly mild, you might be able to get aesthetic services fairly soon after your treatment. However, if you suffered from severe gum disease, you may need additional restorative procedures before cosmetic dentistry is an option. For example, you might need tissue grafts or tooth replacement.

Gum disease can be an obstacle on your way to achieving your ideal smile, but it should not totally prevent you from reaching your aesthetic goals. Talk to your dentist to learn about the treatment journey that awaits you.

Meet the Practice

Abington Family Dental Care proudly offers a wide range of treatments to our community, including cosmetic services, gum disease treatment, tooth replacement, and more. If you are interested in enhancing your smile, we would be happy to talk to you about your treatment options. Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team at 781-780-2658.

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